Friday, October 30, 2009

Lab Update!


It has certainly been a busy week here in the lab. This week all 3-5 graders received typing homework. Please encourage them to complete their weekly assignment.

Kindergartners have been exploring programs such as MS Paint, Kid Pix, Type to Learn Jr., and the famous Reader Rabbit.

First Graders have been learning how to use all the tools in MS Paint and Kid Pix. They are incorporating video and sound into their creative works of art. They really enjoy the music part.

Second Graders have been busy creating a class slide show using Kid Pix. They created slides that represented themselves and then we saw it as a class slide show. They also learned how to digitally alter their photo using MS Paint.

Third Graders have been busy creating their own individual slide show using Kid Pix on an 'all about me' theme. They have also learned the basic tools of Power Point and have created an 'all about me' presentation using Power Point.

Fourth Graders have been researching landforms using our various databases to gather information and creating a Power Point presentation. They know how to use the cool tools such as formatting, adding animation, and sound into their presentation. The fourth graders were currently studying landforms in their science unit.

Fifth Graders were busy solidifying their skills on the order of mathematical operations using our How the West was 1+3*4 Won software. The two way game was challenging. They also learned the basics of creating an Excel spreadsheet and navigating through the cells. They are currently working on a vampire activity involving exponential growth using Excel.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact me at anytime.

Take care,
Rasha Sachdeva

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