As usual we are keeping busy in the Mouse Pad. Here's an update:
Kindergartners are really enjoying our robotics unit with the beebots. These are tiny physical robots that look like a bee and have control buttons so that students can program their movements. We've learned about the 90 degree turns and all the bells and whistles that go with each beebot. Students programmed several commands such as forward, back, left and right, pause and clear and watched their beebot in action. Students then took this concept and used the Logo program software to program their beebots using the computer. We've got some great beginning programmers in Kindergarten!
First Graders are getting more familiar with our web based typing program that runs throughout all grade levels. If you have not downloaded this program at home, please do so as your child will be able to practice outside of the classroom. If you need instructions, please contact me. Students have also been introduced to Neighborhood Map Machine software where they have taken a birds eye view of the school and mapped out it's entirety including all the construction going on! They've plotted locations using the coordinates and added intricate graphics to it.
Second Graders got introduced to the Inspiration software where they are creating character webs about themselves. They uploaded their digital photo into the program and are creating bubbles that explains everything about them. They are getting familiar with all the tools such as links, library, create buttons and rapid fire.
Third Graders are continuing to place their folk tale stories written in homeroom classes into Story Creator 2. Here they are making their stories come alive with movable graphics and their own narration using our logitech recording headsets. They love listening to their stories play back. Once completed, I will view the stories and then publish them on a myths and legends website. Please note that no student names will be associated with the stories.
Fourth Graders are continuing with their web page designing unit. They are using their created blue prints by Inspiration and developing a web page about their chosen topic. The software we are using teaches them about the process of web designing starting with the home page and creating hyperlinks to other pages. Students are using the various tools such as global settings, text, images, linking and importing backgrounds. Please note for security purposes, these web pages will not go live on the Internet.
Fifth Graders wrapped up their Photo Stories by presented their finished products to the class. We had some very creative ones! I was so impressed with how comfortable my students were in handling the cameras and uploading and downloading their images into their stories. We then got introduced to our programming unit with Logo software. Students began with simple commands to create fabulous geometric shapes. Stay tuned for more on Logo programming.
Have a great spring break!
Rasha Sachdeva