Monday, April 26, 2010

Lab Update with Typing Info!


I wanted to make sure you knew that I will be keeping all typing accounts active through the summer for those continuing at OWS or Vista. The summer will be a great opportunity to finish the current grade level typing so that when they arrive back, they will be starting with their new grade level. If in the summer, your child finished the level (all 34 lessons), please send me an email and I can make the change then to their new grade level.

Those of you who have not yet downloaded the typing program, I strongly encourage you so that your child can use a consistent program at school and at home to track their goals and accuracy. The directions can be found on your child's teacher's website.

K-5 have been busy as usual here in the lab.

Fourth and Fifth graders got a refresher course on how to manage their files on the server. Keeping folders organized on the computer is just as important as keeping them organized in their physical binder!

Fifth graders are delving into a science software which supplements what they have learned in their science unit. The software lets them solve and create experiments involving rotation of gears, pushing levers and using pulleys. There are over 100 experiments that they need to solve plus 200 challenge ones! You should see them go at it in the lab. It's like a room full of scientists!

Fourth graders are busy with their step by step process of designing their own web page. They have just completed their blue print and are ready to start designing. They each came up with great topics.

Third graders were introduced to what a simulation software is and how one works. They are currently working on a sim that involves running a successful safari. They need to make important decisions on what animals they need, how to set up a camp for tourist and how to hire local villagers to help run the safari. They started with a specific budget and must use that to create their business. It's always amazing to see how they spend their money!

Second graders are continuing with their web page designing as well. They have completed their home and author pages and are adding more detailed pages about their topic. My Second graders alternate between this web project and typing lessons.

First graders are learning Kidspiration software. They are currently working on pre-selected activities such as dragging symbols to matching letters and shapes. They are also learning about the various tools the program has to offer such as symbols, shapes, texting and recording.

Kindergartners are busy making beautiful art work using the MS Paint program. They have learned to use pencils, paintbrushes, fill bucket, spray paint, change colors, erase and adding text. They are currently using the program to create a family portrait.

As usual, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to stop by or email. Take care.

Rasha Sachdeva